LABCS Weekly Newsletter - 5-18-24
Monday Dress Theme - "Summer Vacation T-Shirt" (regular dress bottoms required)
12:00 Dismissal
Field Day - 8:45-11:45
5/23/2024, 8:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Last Day of School
12:00 Dismissal
Awards Assembly - Grades 1-3
5/24/2024, 8:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Awards Assembly - Grades 4-5
5/24/2024, 9:10 AM – 9:10 AM
Awards Assembly - Grades 6-7
5/24/2024, 9:50 AM – 9:50 AM
8th Grade Graduation/Promotion Ceremony
5/24/2024, 10:40 AM – 10:40 AM
Thank you
- to FreeHand Coffee for the delicious iced coffee for the faculty/staff;
- to Coach Chris, Mrs. Endia Jones, and all those students who participated in the Talent Show and allowed us the opportunity to witness your talents;
- to Ms. Stephanie Phifer, Coach Chris, and all the adults who helped out with the Middle School After-School Social; and
- to Mr. Matt Henderson for providing a slide for the students in grades 1-5 to enjoy.
Our apologies in advance to anyone who we accidentally left off.
2024-2025 School Year Changes
If your plans for the 2024-2025 school year have changed, and your child is not returning for the 2024-2025 school year, please notify the front office as soon as possible as we have a lengthy waitlist in most grades and would like to notify those parents of slots that might be open.
Summer Reading Projects for Returning LABCS Students in Rising 6th-8th Grades
All returning students who will be in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade for the 2024-2025 school year will be required to do a summer reading project. This is a yearly summer task for those students since we know how critical it is to maintain reading throughout the summer. To find more information on this, click here. This information will also be sent home with your child.
A Note from the Front Office
Chromebooks and Chargers
All student Chromebooks and chargers will be collected on Monday 5/20/24. Students will be invoiced on Monday for any missing Chromebooks or chargers
Lost and Found
We have a lot of clothing in our Lost and Found. Please come by the school at some point to claim your child's lost clothing. We also have water bottles, lunch boxes, and some other items. All items not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated. Please put your child's name on the tags in their clothing to make identification of lost items easier.
A Note from the Gala Committee - Matching Gift Challenge
Our 6th annual fundraising gala, Fiesta Elegante, was a fantastic success-- but there's an opportunity to make it even more successful!
There was some excitement at the gala as our guests were making donations to our school "Just for the Cause." An anonymous donor called into the event and made a last-minute matching challenge gift. After we had raised a minimum amount-- which we did!-- we unlocked a $25,000 dollar-for-dollar match.
At the event, our guests generously gave $16,000 to be matched dollar-for-dollar. ¡Muchas gracias! But there's more: our donor has generously given us more time to reach $25,000 so that we can unlock the maximum matching gift!
Even if you weren't able to attend the gala, you can still have an impact on this incredible school and its brilliant student innovators. Will you help us raise $9,000 in the next week so that we can unlock this matching challenge gift?
Gifts made through May 24th will count towards the matching gift challenge. Donations can be made online at https://tinyurl.com/donateLABCS. You can also donate by check made out to "Lakes and Bridges Charter School" and mailed to us at P.O. Box 1368, Easley, SC 29641.
A Note from the Student Council
Eyeglass Recycling
Our Lakes and Bridges Student Council President recently attended the monthly meeting for the Lions Club of Easley. The Lions Club has many fundraisers and community efforts and we are happy to partner with them in their mission to provide eyeglasses to those in need. If you have any eyeglasses you are no longer using, please consider donating them. We have a collection bucket in the lobby. Any donated eyeglasses will be processed by the Lions Club for distribution to optical missions around the world. We are so proud of our Student Council President for her initiative and so glad to help our community at large!
A Note from the PTA
PTA Officer Nomination Form
Please click the link if you are interested in being on the PTA for the 2024-2025 school year!