LABCS Weekly Newsletter - 5-4-24
No Monday Dress Theme Due to State Testing
Nurse's Appreciation Day
Teacher Appreciation Week
SC Ready Writing TDA - 6th-8th Grades
LABCS Board Meeting - Virtual
5/6/2024, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
SC Ready Reading - 6th-8th Grades
Teacher Appreciation Week
Chick-fil-A Biscuit Sales Pre-Orders Due
Teacher Appreciation Week
SC Ready Math - 6th-8th Grades
State Testing Make-Up Day - All Grades
Teacher Appreciation Week
Chick-fil-A Biscuits - Pre-Orders Only
State Testing Make-Up Day - All Grades
Teacher Appreciation Week
Monday Dress Theme - "School Love" (Wear a LABCS T-Shirt - regualr dress bottoms required)
Talent Show - Grades 1-4
5/17/2024, 1 PM – 2 PM
Talent Show - Grades 5-8
5/17/2024, 2:10 PM – 3:10 PM
After-School Social - Grades 6-8
5/17/2024, 4 PM – 5:30 PM
Monday Dress Theme - "Summer Vacation T-Shirt" (regular dress bottoms required)
12:00 Dismissal
Field Day - 8:45-11:45
5/23/2024, 8:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Last Day of School
12:00 Dismissal
Awards Assembly - Grades 1-3
5/24/2024, 8:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Awards Assembly - Grades 4-5
5/24/2024, 9:10 AM – 9:10 AM
Awards Assembly - Grades 6-7
5/24/2024, 9:50 AM – 9:50 AM
8th Grade Graduation/Promotion Ceremony
5/24/2024, 10:40 AM – 10:40 AM
Dyslexia Tidbit
Outreach and Seminar Opportunities
As we begin planning our Outreach and Saturday Seminars, please fill out this form to help us in the planning process for the 2024-2025 school year.
To access the form, click here. We are looking for input from our LABCS families, as well as the Upstate community.
Thank you
- to all the parents for helping out with the 1st and 2nd grade social on Friday morning!
- to all the volunteers that helped to make our 6th Annual Gala so successful!
Our apologies in advance to anyone who we accidentally left off.
A Note from the School Nurse
Students are not allowed to carry ANY medication on their person without physician permission, parent/guardian permission, and school permission to self-administer and self-monitor (SC Law S144). This includes over the counter pain relievers and allergy and cold medications. The ONLY medications that can be in student’s possession (with proper authorization) are for asthma, diabetes, and severe allergic reactions. If you have any questions or would like your child to have access to these medications in the nurse's office, please contact Nurse Dava at [email protected] for the form.
Students discovered with any medications on them could risk disciplinary action.
A Note from the Front Office
If you arrive after 8:15, you will drop your child off at the front office. After 8:20, you must walk your child into the school and sign them in. Just a reminder that school starts at 8:15.
Lost and Found
We have a lot of clothing in our Lost and Found. Please come by the school at some point to claim your child's lost clothing. We also have water bottles, lunch boxes, and some other items. All items not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated either to the uniform closet or to the Dream Center. Please put your child's name on the tags in their clothing to make identification of items lost easier.
A Note from the Testing Coordinator
Our first week of state testing went well, and we just have one more week left (see schedule below)! Just a reminder that state testing will be done on Chromebooks this year and not paper/pencil.
Week of May 6-10
-Monday, May 6 - Writing TDA (Grades 6-8)
-Tuesday, May 7 - Reading (Grades 6-8)
-Wednesday, May 8 - Math (Grades 6-8)
-Thursday and Friday, May 9 and 10 - Make Up Testing Days (All Grades)
All testing will begin at 8:30. It is imperative that you have your child at school by 8:15 (the start time of school) on these dates. If a student is late and misses the start of testing, you will be called to pick them up (this will count as an unexcused absence), and they will have to participate in make-up testing on the assigned dates
Please make sure your child gets a good night's sleep during testing, and that they eat a healthy breakfast each morning of testing. Please refrain from feeding them a sugary breakfast.
No phones or smart watches are allowed during state testing weeks. Please keep these at home. If a student brings these in on the days they are testing, they will be required to turn them in and can retrieve them at the end of the school day.
While we know that a test score does not define a child with dyslexia, please encourage your child to do their best.
A Note from the Student Council
Eyeglass Recycling
Our Lakes and Bridges Student Council President recently attended the monthly meeting for the Lions Club of Easley. The Lions Club has many fundraisers and community efforts and we are happy to partner with them in their mission to provide eyeglasses to those in need. If you have any eyeglasses you are no longer using, please consider donating them. We have a collection bucket in the lobby. Any donated eyeglasses will be processed by the Lions Club for distribution to optical missions around the world. We are so proud of our Student Council President for her initiative and so glad to help our community at large!
Middle School After-School Social
The After School Social for Grades 6-8 will be on Friday, May 17th. Students are invited to stay after school and enjoy pizza, snacks, refreshments, and a shaved ice from the Kona Ice Truck. Cost for the event is $10.00 and can be paid on If any parents are willing to volunteer, please email We are looking forward to a great time with our students!
A Note from the Reading Coach
Don't forget that May 19th is the final date for our students to participate in the Greenville Drive Reading All-Stars Game Day activities. Make sure you have followed the steps and read the details for pre-game day activities at the following link.
A Note from the PTA
Teacher Appreciation and Nurse's Appreciation Week
Mark your calendars! Staff and Nurse Appreciation Week is just around the corner, running from May 6th to May 10th. We've got an exciting lineup planned to show our amazing teachers and staff just how much we appreciate all they do. We also have a list of some teachers' wish list of supplies for Thursday, May 9th's theme.
But we can't do it alone! We need your help to make this week truly special. If you're able to contribute or assist, please let us know. Your support means the world to us!
To sign up for specific items, simply click the link below. If you are available to help setup throughout the week, please contact PTA via email or FB page. Together, let's make Staff Appreciation Week one to remember!
Save the Date! Sky Zone tickets are now open!! We are so excited for our end-of-the-year party at Sky Zone on May 9th! This is free to all Lakes and Bridges students (includes a ticket to jump, have pizza, and get a drink)! The cost for siblings is $20/child to jump, have pizza, and get a drink. There is also an option for just pizza and a drink for $5. PLEASE have all tickets ordered and/or purchased by May 6! This is VERY important! We will not take any more ticket orders after this date! You can order your tickets using this link.
Please make sure that students have eaten their breakfast and finished drinking their beverages before exiting the car in the morning. We have more and more students bringing breakfast into the building, and it is leaving a mess in the Dragon's Den, hallways, and classrooms. No coffee or coffee-related beverages are allowed at any time. The only time breakfast is allowed to be eaten in the building are on the Fridays where CFA biscuits are ordered.
Lunch Reminders
Please remember that students are not allowed to have caffeinated beverages at school at any time while on campus, to include coffee, frappucinos, cappuccinos, tea, sodas, etc.. Please remember this if you are dropping lunch off, having lunch delivered, or bringing your child in late.
Please send a snack with your child every day (please do not send in cups - stainless or plastic - with straws as these make a mess when they tip over and can potentially destroy equipment in the classroom). The school does not provide snacks or water bottles for students. If a student forgets a water bottle, they still have access to the water fountains throughout the school.
Water Bottles
Do not send in drinks with your child that are not in water bottles that won't spill their contents if they tip over. We have quite a few students coming in with drinks in fast food-type cups or cups with straws. Please do not send in cups - stainless or plastic - with straws as these make a mess when they tip over and can potentially destroy equipment in the classroom. They can also make a huge mess that requires a mop to clean it up or soaks the carpet in the classrooms. If a student forgets a water bottle, they still have access to the water fountains throughout the school.