LABCS Weekly Newsletter - 7-25-23
Meet the Teacher - Grades 1-5
8/4/2023, 9 AM – 11 AM
Meet the Teacher - Grades 6-8
8/4/2023, 12 PM – 2 PM
First Day of School
No School - Labor Day
Thank you
- to the Zack Family for patching all the potholes in the parking lot, fixing the broken gate to the field, and taking care of the weeds in the parking lot where the teachers park. We truly appreciate this!!
Our apologies in advance to anyone accidentally left off.
A Note from the Front Office
Student registration packets are available to pick up at the school this week between 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Forms can be filled out and returned the same day. If you cannot complete the forms when you are here, please return completed forms as soon as possible (preferably this week) and no later than Friday, August 4th (Meet the Teacher). Thank you! It is fine for another parent or family member to pick up your child's registration packet if that is more convenient.
Student/Parent Handbook
You will receive a hard copy of the Student/Parent Handbook with your registration packet with the signature page to be signed by both the student(s) and parent/guardian.
There are a couple of changes to be aware of:
- The only hoodies/sweatshirts allowed will be solid color or Lakes and Bridges; no other sweatshirts will be allowed (college, high school, quotes, verbiage, patterned, etc.);
- Any outstanding balance for lunches (any invoice not paid by the 20th of the month), the student will be required to bring a lunch from home. Because we receive no money to offset the cost of lunches, any unpaid balance comes out of our operating budget, which prevents the school from getting the necessary items for students and teachers.
Thursday Workday, July 27
If you are able to come out on Thursday, July 27 and help build furniture, and maybe move some furniture/items around, we would greatly appreciate it. We will be starting at 10:00. Please email Ms. Heidi at [email protected] to let her know if you can help. You will want to bring a drill and possibly a hammer with you. The drill will make the building process faster.