LABCS Weekly Newsletter - 8-10-24
Respect yourself, others, and our school. * Be Responsible for yourself, your actions, and the learning environment. * Have a growth mindset and practice Perseverance.
Monday Dress Theme - "Summer Vibes" - wear your favorite vacation t-shirt (regular dress code bottoms required)
$1 Dress Down and/or $1 Hat Day
Monday Dress Theme - "Kick-Off to Football" - wear your favorite football team t-shirt/jersey (regular dress code bottoms required)
Evening Seminar - "What is Dyslexia?"
8/19/2024, 6 PM – 7:30 PM
In-Person at Lakes and Bridges Charter School
$1 Dress Down and/or $1 Hat Day
Monday Dress Theme - "Dog Day" - bring in your favorite small stuffed animal (regular dress code required)
Chick-fil-A Biscuit Sales Pre-Orders Due
Chick-fil-A Biscuits - Pre-Orders Only
$1 Dress Down and/or $1 Hat Day
No School - Labor Day
Dyslexia Tidbit
The Orton-Gillingham Academy Principles of the Orton-Gillingham Approach
"The Orton-Gillingham Principles are the foundation of the Orton-Gillingham Approach.
Diagnostic and Prescriptive
Instruction is a dynamic, continuous, adaptable process of monitoring student work and giving corrective feedback based on the learner’s profile and ongoing performance designed to promote accuracy and automaticity.
- Instruction is diagnostic in that the instructor continuously monitors the verbal, nonverbal, and written responses of the learner to identify and analyze problems and progress. This information is the basis for planning the next lesson.
- Instruction is prescriptive in that it contains elements that focus on resolving the learner’s difficulties and building on the learner’s progress noted in the previous lesson.
Instruction is individualized to meet the differing needs of learners who may be similar, but not exactly alike. Lessons are customized to meet the learner’s profile, culture, identity, and interests.
Language-Based and Alphabetic/Phonetic
Instruction is a comprehensive practice based on the structure and history of the English language that integrates oral language, reading, spelling, and writing. It begins at the simplest level with phonemes (sounds) and the alphabetic principle (the relationship of sounds to letters) and progresses through complex word and text structures.
Simultaneous Multisensory
Instruction simultaneously utilizes the associations of the auditory (hearing), visual (seeing), and kinesthetic (movement) neural pathways.

Direct and Explicit Instruction is presented systematically with concepts clearly stated, modeled, and practiced. Moving from supported practice to independent practice enhances learning and memory leading to automaticity and independent application.
Structured, Sequential, and Cumulative, but Flexible Instruction is logically organized and moves from simple, well-learned material to increasingly complex elements. Lessons continuously spiral back to reinforce previously taught skills in an integrated manner. Instructional decisions require flexibility and are based on the learner.
Synthetic and Analytic Instruction employs both synthetic and analytic processes at all levels of language; these processes are reciprocal and must be closely coordinated.
- Synthetic Instruction progresses from the parts to the whole. For example, when reading, the learner blends individual sounds, syllables, and morphemes to read words.
- Analytic Instruction progresses from the whole to its parts. For example, when spelling, the learner segments the sounds, syllables, or morphemes to spell words.
Cognitive Instruction engages the learner in an active understanding of what they are learning, why they are learning it, and how to apply their learning in a thoughtful way. It encourages thinking and reasoning rather than reliance on rote memorization.
Emotionally Sound Instruction builds confidence and trust by ensuring the learner achieves regular success."
Thank you
- to Ms. Sasha Patton for organizing our Dragon's Dungeon (it looks amazing) and to Eric Hall for helping with this project and helping out around the school;
- to all the Parents who have donated new and like-new clothes to the school's Dragon Uniform Closet;
- to the LABCS Board of Directors for the delicious lunch provided to the faculty/staff before Meet the Teacher;
- to the Keeler Family for the yummy lunch for the teachers; and
- belatedly to Mr. and Mrs. Sharp and their granddaughter for volunteering to help out at the school before the teachers came back into the building.
Our apologies in advance to anyone who we accidentally left off.
Parking Lot Map - Early Stay and Early Dismissal Traffic Pattern
We have had a great start to our school year, and we are thankful to our LABCS families and community for all your support! There is nothing better than a school building full of laughter, conversations, and engagement!
A Note from the School
Summer Reading Projects for returning students in the current 6th, 7th, and 8th grades were required to complete a project over the summer on a book they read. These were due on the first day of school and will count as a major grade in their ELA class. Students must have these turned in no later than Friday, August 16, to not receive a 0. New students were not required to do this.
Just a reminder that no breakfast can come into the building and must be eaten before getting out of the car. No caffeinated beverages or soft drinks are allowed in the building at any time. Students should not bring in fast-food drink cups or cups similar to these even if they do not contain a soft drink or caffeinated beverage as these can tip over and make a mess.
A Note from the Front Office
All registration packets must be returned on Monday, August 12, 2024.
Technology Handbooks were distributed to all students this past Thursday afternoon. Please read through it with your children and both you and your child will need to sign and date the last three pages and return to school by Friday, August 16.
If you have not yet returned the signed page from the Student and Parent Handbook, please return this as soon as possible. It needs to be signed by both the student and a parent/guardian.
Also, if you want to volunteer at the school, we are always looking for people to volunteer to make copies for teachers, laminate items, reading to students and/or having students read to you, etc. If you are interested, please email the school at [email protected].
A Note from the Nurse
Nurse Dava
The COVID-19 policy for the 24-25 school year has been updated. This year COVID-19 will be treated the same way as other respiratory viruses, such as influenza and RSV.
Your child will stay home until:
- They have been fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
- The cough and runny nose are improving.
- They feel well enough for routine activities.
Students are not required to stay home if someone at home has tested positive.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns ( [email protected] or 864-671-6265).
A Note from the Student Wellness Coordinator
Ms. Phifer
SEL Classes
Students in grades 1 through 5 receive twice-weekly Social Emotional Learning classes. We kicked off all SEL classes this week by reading Fiona Flamingo and learning about different emotions. Students were then asked to reflect on how they were feeling that day. During SEL, we will learn how to identify and label our emotions. We will continue with this process next week by introducing a Mood Meter that places feelings in four different color quadrants. We will then use this color grid as a quick check-in during our weekly classes.
SEL Word of the Week for August 12-16: CONSCIOUS
Each week, we will introduce a new SEL word of the week during morning announcements. These words connect with the five different SEL competencies; Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Self-Management, Relationship Building, and Responsible Decision Making. Students are encouraged to learn the meaning of the word, use it throughout the week, and understand how it relates to the SEL competency. If a teacher catches a student doing so, they will get a shout-out on the morning announcements! Last week's word of the week was our first word in the Social Awareness category; IDENTITY (n); the condition of being who you are similar to personality. Ask your child if they know what this word means.
This week's word of the week goes along with Social Awareness. The word is CONSCIOUS (adj.); to be aware of something. Students will be prompted to reflect on how they are conscious of others and the environment around them.
A Note from the PTA
Mrs. Courtney Evert, President
PTA Membership
Thank you so much to all those who signed up for PTA this past week! It is not too late to sign up. Other family members and teachers can sign up as well. To sign up, click here.
Spirit Rock
Did you know that you can reserve the Spirit Rock that is near the school's front door entrance to celebrate your child's birthday, give a shout-out, etc.? If you are interested, the cost is $15. To pay and sign up for this, you can click here.