LABCS Weekly Newsletter - 8-12-23
Monday Dress Theme - "Wear Your Favorite Vacation T-Shirt" - No Jeans or Dress Down Pants Allowed
8/14/2023, 6 PM – 7 PM
Chick-fil-A Biscuit Sales Pre-Orders Due by 3:00 pm for the 18th
Chick-fil-A Biscuits - Pre-Orders Only
Friday $1 Dress Down Day and $1 Hat Day
Friday $1 Dress Down Day and $1 Hat Day
Friday $1 Dress Down Day and $1 Hat Day
No School - Labor Day
LABCS Board Meeting
9/4/2023, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Quarter 1 Interim
Dyslexia Information
"What is Dyslexia?"
taken from Understood.org
"Dyslexia is a learning disability in reading. People with dyslexia have trouble reading at a good pace and without mistakes. They may also have a hard time with reading comprehension, spelling, and writing. But these challenges aren’t a problem with intelligence."
To read and learn more, click here.
A Note from the Principal
What a great start to our school year we have already had!! It is hard to believe it has only been one week into the school year since it feels like it has been a lot longer. This is because everyone settled right into a routine. It is always such a treat to have the hallways and classrooms filled with the voices of children and teachers!
It was great to see all the amazing Summer Reading Projects our returning middle schoolers have done! I hate that we don't have the room this year to display them like we did last year due to the renovation.
If you still have not purchased the supplies from the Supply List (this is separate from the Supply Fee), this is a perfect time to take advantage of the great back-to-school sales that are occurring right now. Please make sure the assignment notebook is 1 inch (please do not send in a 1/2 inch or anything larger than 1 inch). It does also have to have front and back pockets on the inside. Teachers will need these supplies as the delve into the school year with their students.
A Note from the Assistant Principal
We have had a very busy week and are excited to get settled into a routine.
Middle School parents, please ask your child about "Dragon Dollars" as this was explained to students today. This is a behavior system that will be used in grades 6th-8th. !st - 5th grade will be using house points as rewards for Dragon Characteristics (Caring, Responsible, Trustworthy, Fair, and Nurture Citizenship).
Student assessments have been completed this week and we will begin PIE (Personalized Intervention and Enrichment) groups next week.
Here is our main testing schedule for the year. There are others that affect certain grades and populations, and those students/grades will be notified at a later date. Please try to schedule appointments around these dates.
- MAP Testing (All Grades) - August 28-September 1; December 4-8; and April 15-19
- TDA Field Test (Grades 3-8) - April 15-19
- SCReady and SCPASS (Grades 3-8) - April 29-May 10
A Note from the Front Office
School t-shirts will be delivered in September. All school fees (Supply and Tech) will need to be paid in full before a student can receive their school t-shirt.
Supply and Tech fees will be invoiced next week through My School Bucks. Please make sure you have an account created so you can receive invoices.
You will always be able to pay any invoice in 1 of 3 ways:
- send in cash in a sealed envelope with your student's name and what it is for.
- send in a check made out to Lakes and Bridges Charter School in a sealed envelope with your student's name and what it is for.
- pay online through My School Bucks
Technology Handbooks should have been sent home with your child(ren) today. Please make sure you and your child(ren) read through the Technology Handbook and you both sign the three different forms on the last two pages of the handbook and return to the school as soon as you can. Students will not have access to Chromebooks until the pages are signed and returned to the school and the Tech Fee of $25/child is paid. If you need to do a payment plan for the supply fee and the Tech Fee, please reach out to Kelly Disbrow ( [email protected]) or Suzy Warwick ( [email protected]).
An Enrollment Survey was also sent home with your student on Friday. The state requires us to collect this information each year. Please complete the form and return it as soon as you can. Thank you for your help.
Starting next week, all students who arrive after 8:15 will need to be walked into the front office. Do not drop them off.
A Note from the Student Council
One of the fundraisers for Student Council is the Chick-fil-A biscuit sales. We will have chicken biscuits from Chick-fil-a available on Friday morning, 8/18. If you would like a biscuit for your child and/or yourself, you must pre-order your biscuits. Please do so using myschoolbucks.org and make your payment by Tuesday, 8/15. If you have questions about this, please reach out to [email protected]
A Note from the LEAP Club Coordinators
Because our young scholars spend significant time on reading and math skills remediation and practice, we don't have traditional related arts periods like most schools do (art one day, music another day, PE two days, etc.). Instead, every Friday afternoon we have LEAP (Learn, Experience, Apply, Participate) Clubs. Clubs for students in grades 1-4 are from 1:00-2:00, and clubs for students in grades 5-8 are from 2:00-3:00. Students get to pick their club, and they stay in that club for the semester. They change clubs in January.
Our Friday afternoon LEAP Clubs are almost set for the semester... but we need YOU!
A Note from the PTA
Please check out our PTA flyer on the school's website and see what we do throughout the year!! If you haven’t signed up for the PTA, please do so today!! There will be a Dress Down Pass given to your child(ren) if you sign up!
Did you know you can rent and paint the LABCS Spirit Rock for $10 (the fee has been reduced in the hopes more people will participate)? This is a perfect way to celebrate your child's birthday, send a positive message to someone, etc. To reserve your date, you can sign up and pay here.