LABCS Weekly Newsletter - 8-27-23
Monday Dress Theme - "Crazy Hair Day"
Chick-fil-A Biscuit Sales Pre-Orders Due
Chick-fil-A Biscuits - Pre-Orders Only
Friday $1 Dress Down Day and $1 Hat Day
No School - Labor Day
Quarter 1 Interim
Monday Dress Theme - "Wear Red, White, and Blue"
LABCS Board Meeting - Virtual
9/11/2023, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Chick-fil-A Biscuit Sales Pre-Orders Due
Chick-fil-A Biscuits - Pre-Orders Only
Monday Dress Theme - "Dress Like an Athlete"
Monday Dress Theme - "Dress Like the 2000's"
Chick-fil-A Biscuit Sales Pre-Orders Due
Chick-fil-A Biscuits - Pre-Orders Only
Monday Dress Theme - "Tie-Dye Day"
Dyslexia Tidbit
Dyslexia Myths
There are many myths about dyslexia. Click here to find the most common ones.
Thank you
- to Matt Henderson for building the playhouse for the playground area.
Our apologies in advance to anyone accidentally left off.
A Note from the Front Office
Lunches are called in at 9 am every morning. If you are bringing your student in late and they want to order a school lunch, please call the front office to place their lunch order before 9 am.
This year our invoices inadvertently added an option for "installments." If you chose this option, we will give your student credit for the payment, but please know the payment will not process until the due date of the invoice, which is September 10th.
A Note from the School Nurse
LABCS Student COVID Policy - 2023-2024 (per DHEC):
- If you have a POSITIVE covid test you must quarantine (at home) for 5 days from the beginning of symptoms. After 5 days students can return as long as they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
- If a student has a POSITIVE covid test without symptoms, they can return to school on day 6.
- At this time, close/household contacts are not required to quarantine as long as they are symptom-free.
- Classroom letters regarding COVID will only be sent home if there is an outbreak situation.
- The school is not offering COVID testing.
- DHEC requires school districts to report when a cohort (meaning class, group, or team) of more than five individuals (students and/or staff) has 20% or more positive cases within 72 hours.
A Note from the Testing Coordinator
Below are dates to make sure are placed on your calendar. Please refrain from scheduling appointments or vacations during these dates.
MAP Testing
- Fall - August 28-September 1
- Winter - December 4-8
- Spring - April 15-19
TDA Field Test
SCReady and SCPass
We will be testing online for SCReady and SCPASS in order to make sure our students are ready for other environments whenever they transition back to a traditional school environment, whether it is high school or earlier. Students will be working on developing their typing skills to support this process.