LABCS Weekly Newsletter - 9-14-24
Respect yourself, others, and our school. * Be Responsible for yourself, your actions, and the learning environment. * Have a growth mindset and practice Perseverance.
Monday Dress Theme - "Hispanic Heritage" (wear colors from flags of Hispaniccountries)
PTA Sponsored Pizza Lunch for Students (and Faculty/Staff)
$1 Dress Down and/or $1 Hat Day
After-School Social - Grades 6-8
9/20/2024, 3:30 PM – 5 PM
Monday Dress Theme - "Fall Colors" (wear fall colors)
Chick-fil-A Biscuit Sales Pre-Orders Due
Chick-fil-A Biscuits - Pre-Orders Only
$1 Dress Down and/or $1 Hat Day
Monday Dress Theme - "Camouflage Day"
Evening Seminar - "Walking in the Shoes of a Dyslexic - Dyslexia Simulation"
9/30/2024, 6 PM – 8 PM
3rd Grade Meeting for Parents/Guardians at the School
10/3/2024, 3:30 PM – 4 PM
LABCS Open House
10/3/2024, 4 PM – 5 PM
$1 Dress Down and/or $1 Hat Day
Dyslexia Tidbit
Signs of Dyslexia - Grades 3-5
"Many people know that dyslexia is a challenge with reading. But it’s more than that. Dyslexia is a challenge with language. That can make it hard to spot the signs. For instance, trouble with rhyming can be a sign of trouble with reading.
Dyslexia can also cause trouble with spelling, speaking, and writing. So signs can show up in a few areas, not just in reading.
People with dyslexia don’t all struggle in the same way. Some have a hard time with early reading skills like sounding out words (decoding). Some read words and sentences fine, but they have trouble understanding what they read.
Dyslexia can also look different as kids get older. Learn common signs of dyslexia at different ages and how to help."
Grades 3–5 signs of dyslexia
Confusing or skipping small words like for and of when reading aloud
Having trouble sounding out new words
Having trouble quickly recognizing common words (also called sight words)
Struggling to explain what happened in a story or answer questions about key details
Frequently making the same kinds of mistakes, like reversing letters
Having poor spelling, like spelling the same word correctly and incorrectly in the same exercise
Avoiding reading whenever possible or getting frustrated or upset when reading
The More You Know Series - "Who Wrote Your Attendance Policy?"
The More You Know Series - "What Makes a Charter School a Charter School?"
Parking Lot Map - Early Stay and Early Dismissal Traffic Pattern
A Note from the Principal
Please look for the separate email that was sent earlier to the LABCS community reassuring our families of their child(ren)'s safety at school.
A Note from the Assistant Principal
Teachers have begun nominating students who display the characteristics of our Dragon Character Pillars (Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance). These students are recognized on our morning announcements. We encourage these students to share this information with their parents. These students will also receive a Dragon Character Dress Down Pass.
A Note from the PTA
Pizza Lunch
LABCS PTA is excited to offer a monthly pizza lunch for students. The first one will be held this Friday, September 20. You can order by the slice (the price is $2/slice). Orders must be paid for no later than Tuesday, September 17 in order for your child(ren) to receive theirs on Friday. Ot order for your child, please click here.
PTA Membership
Thank you so much to all those who have signed up for PTA! It is not too late to sign up. Other family members and teachers can sign up as well. To sign up, click here.
Spirit Rock
Did you know that you can reserve the Spirit Rock that is near the school's front door entrance to celebrate your child's birthday, give a shout-out, etc.? If you are interested, the cost is $15. To pay and sign up for this, you can click here.
A Note from the Front Office
If your student is absent please submit a parent note or a doctor's note within 3 days of your child returning to school. Please send all school excuses to Michelle Tennant at [email protected].
A Note from the Testing Coordinator
We have one more day of make-up testing on Monday, September 16, and MAP scores should go home with students in the next week or two. At Lakes and Bridges, we use MAP data, as well as other data points and in-class assessments, to inform and support student learning strengths and areas of need.
A Note from the Reading Coach
LABCS parents/guardians, please save the date of Thursday, October 3, from 4:00-5:00. This will be our Open House. We will have different rotations throughout the school that showcase what we do at the school. Please look for more information soon.
A Note from the Student Wellness Coordinator
The SEL Word of the Week: Observe (v.); to watch, monitor, or look for a specific purpose.
Competency: Self-Management
In SEL this week, students have been practicing square breathing this week as a technique to help calm big emotions. Practicing when we are already in a regulated state helps to build memory and the ability to recall techniques when we are dysregulated. Try incorporating it into a bedtime routine, or even during car rides to/from school to get some extra practice in.
A Note from the Student Council
Middle School After-School Social (grades 6-8)
Friday, September 20
Pick up is at 5:00
The cost is $10, which includes pizza, refreshments, ice cream bar, and lots of outdoor fun with friends! Payment can be made on your myschoolbucks or cash/check will be accepted until September, 19th. *Parents, if you'd like to volunteer to help at this event, please email [email protected]
Friday Snack Sales
Every Friday, the Student Council sells snacks, ice cream, and drinks for students. Prices range from 50 cents to $2.00 for items. Students are allowed to purchase only one item for a sweet Friday treat. The students look forward to this each week!
Chick-fil-A Biscuit Sales
The Student Council will be selling chicken biscuits on the last Friday of each month. The next CFA sales will be on Friday, September 27. All orders must be placed by Tuesday, September 24 for your child(ren) to receive theirs on Friday, 9/27. You will order through your myschoolbucks account; this will be available there soon.
Save the Dates
- October 18 - 3:30-5:00 - After-School Social for Grades 3-5
- November 4 - Student Council Elections (information will be sent home in early October)
Get ahead and order your yearbook today!
Yearbooks are now on sale for $25.00. You can order through your myschoolbucks, or if you want to add personalizations to your yearbook you can order through If you have any questions regarding the yearbook, please email [email protected].
Evening Seminar - Dyslexia Simulation
LABCS will be hosting "Walking in the Shoes of a Dyslexic: A Hands-On Simulation" on Monday, September 30, at 6:00 pm at the school. This is free and open to the public; however, there are limited spots available so an RSVP is required. If you are interested, please call the school at 864-442-5580.